Monday, September 13, 2010

My dad wanted to come with us......

One thing I wanted to mention was that I was absolutely blown away after Devin’s football game this past Thursday night. Jenn’s dad was obviously letting my parents know that he was going on the trip (since I had not said anything to them about it yet….not a good decision on my part). He then told Jennifer that it sounded like my dad showed a lot of interest in going to China with us. (WOW!!) I was taken aback when I first heard that. My dad – in China?!? I just never would have thought my dad would have wanted to go to China? I never would have thought he wanted to go that far away? I never thought he wanted to go with us on this adoption journey. I never thought he would leave home for that long of a time (and without mom). I never thought……enough to ask him. (Did you catch that each of my thoughts started with NOT thinking??? Boy, did I mess up!! (Tend to do that a lot with my dad.) I was so thrilled that he was excited about going on this trip of a lifetime, away from home, with our family – to get his next granddaughter. I almost lost my breath when she told me.

I sat in the parking lot and emailed Jenny at GWCA to see if this was even feasible. She told me that next morning that it was too late, but was glad that he was on board with us. After sitting a couple of hours and researching the costs and timing of expediting a passport, I tried one more time. She regrettably had to tell me that with all the intra-country plans already being made, it was not feasible. Man, two days earlier there might have been a shot…..if I had just thought.

I hope to get the opportunity to make this up with him…..and have another “trip of a lifetime” to take with him soon.

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